To support Second Harvest Food Bank,
bring at least 3 non-perishable food items or canned goods
Mondays and Tuesdays
November 11 through December 3
for $5 off per car admission!
Monday, November 11
Tuesday, November 12
Monday, November 18
Tuesday, November 19
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, November 26
Monday, December 2
Tuesday, December 3
please remember to check expiration dates on food items

this out

As always, we want to show our gratitude to
our military heroes by offering
FREE admission to our show
November 8-11!
and then enjoy $5 off admission all season
*$5 off not good with any other coupons/discounts
If you are currently serving, or have ever served in the past, we want to honor you and thank you for the sacrifices you have made that allow us the freedoms we have.
God Bless you and God Bless the
United States of America!